resume | academic CV

I use data as a tool to help me and my collaborators understand the world, particularly as it relates to medical care and research. Because numbers mean nothing without communication and context, I’m always trying to improve not only my statistical and programming skills, but how I collaborate with others on developing research ideas and communicating results. I love building community and working with people and data that facilitate understanding and progress.

I have extensively used R for data wrangling, statistical analysis, visualization, and reproducible reporting; I’m currently learning SQL and Python. You can find lots of my code on Github. You can find my talks and workshops on statistics, reproducible research, and programming on my Resources page.


I’m currently a data scientist at Devoted Health, working to build the best health care possible for our members. From 2005 to 2018, I was a biostatistician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, primarily working with the Center for Critical Illness, Brain Dysfunction, and Survivorship (CIBS Center) on projects ranging from small pilot studies to being the coordinating center for nationwide multicenter trials.

Other fun things I’m involved in include:

R-Ladies is a worldwide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community. I coordinate abstract reviews for the global leadership team and co-founded the Nashville chapter of R-Ladies with Lucy D’Agostino McGowan. We coordinate meetups and curriculum and foster a sense of supportive community.

The Collaborative is a nationwide quality improvement project which aims to optimize outcomes for critically ill patients. I provided regular progress reports to inform and motivate sites during data collection, and worked with clinical investigators to examine the association of Bundle performance with relevant clinical outcomes (publication).

Photo Credits

Jen McDonald took my headshots. All other photos are by me. (This one was taken on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, summer 2016.)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.